Tuesday, 29 June 2010



A simple everyday garment.

Symbolises poverty as it was the only thing owned by a monk/priest.

Traditionally cassocks had 39 buttons to indicate the 39 Articles of Religion found in the Book of Common Prayer – short people like me had a few removed!

Modern times see Zips and Velcro – interpret that as you like!

Colour can be black, white or brown but for priests black is the usual colour. Black comes from the Benedictine Oder of monks, but there were also Friars who wore brown. Many cathedral churches now have their own colour of cassock for their Canons or Prebendarys and a Queens Chaplain has a distinctive shade of red cassock.

Some ‘Albs’ – traditionally white – are now also made into Cassock Albs.

2. SURPLICE / COTTAA white covering worn over the cassock to indicate purity.

The Surplice is a medium length white covering over the cassock.

Similar to an Alb, but usually much shorter.

The Cotta is like the surplice only shorter still and usually with a square neckline. Cotta's can often be lined with lace.

Servers traditionally will put their surplice/cotta on when the service begins – leaving it off to arrange the sanctuary before a service.


A scarf is worn to indicate that the wearer is licensed to preach.

Priests scarves are black, Readers scarves are blue.

Various insignia can be worn on a scarf to indicate affiliation with sundry bodies. e.g. I am a Chaplain to the A.T.C so I can wear a Chaplains Cross; Chaplains to the R.B.L. also wear their insignia on their scarf.

A special hood, often attached to the cassock and indicating a degree or membership of a college or similar. Sometimes fur lined.


A large cloak often highly decorated.

Like the Chausable it is often richly decorated.

Worn over any vestment it is based upon outdoor clothing and Symbolises that the faith at work should not be kept hidden inside but should be spread out all over the world. It is a symbol that our faith in Christ should be taken out into the world, and is a call to all Christians to be evangelistic in their lives. Can be worn by lay people as well as the ordained.

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