Tuesday, 29 June 2010

NOTE: Symbolism of the Church


As a helper at Exeter Deaf Church I see symbolic language in action through the use of British Sign Language - a fully alive and recognised language that, like all living things, is growing and developing rapidly. It expresses feelings and emotions as well as intent and information.
When symbolism is used in the church it also conveys emotions as well as content and information, so it is ignored at peril of being misunderstood by those who do not have the content and the information, but is still effective in conveying the emotion of what is taking place.
Rev Rik

From: Francis Bond: Dedication & Patron Saints of English Churches / Ecclesiastical Symbolism / Saints and their Emblems. Patr II: Chp 19 p 243ff

“the whole fabric of a church, its general plan, and its many details, are capable of expressing religious truth in a symbolic language of its own.”

From: New Scientist / 20 February 2010
Messages from the Stone Age.

"The first intrepid explorers to brave the 7-metre crawl through a perilously narrow tunnel leading to the Chauvet Caves in southern France were rewarded with magnificent artwork to rival any modern compositions." - "When faced with such spectacular beauty, who could blame the visiting anthropologists for largely ignoring the modest semicircles, lines and zigzags also marked on the walls? Yet dismissing them has proven to be something of a mistake. The latest research has shown that, far from being doodles, the marks are in fact highly symbolic, forming a written 'code' that was familiar to all of the prehistoric tribes around France and possibly beyond. Indeed, these unprepossessing shapes may be just as remarkable as the paintings of trotting horses and tussling rhinos, providing a snapshot into humankinds first steps towards symbolism and writing!" - "Symbols enabled people to share information beyond an individual lifespan. It was a watershed moment".

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